New Music: Kanikau – Vocal Electro

Kanikau (Lamento) – when my sweet Makani died, a friend said that I should write a song for her. Here it is

She was passed on to me by a friend who found her in a natural reserve when she was very little. Makani always knew what she wanted, and she loved music. When I was singing and playing the piano, she used to join me and sit under the Keyboard. Aloha my dear little friend.

Beggar – When a strange dream turns into a song


When you have everything, you have everything to loose
That doesn`t mean so much to you, if you don`t put it to use 

I´ve been practicing lucid dreaming – I love exploring the mind (and getting ideas for songs :-)). Two tricks to know whether you are dreaming or not: 1. Check where you have been before you came where you are – dreams usually don`t have a realistic timeline. 2. Look at what is behind you, look straight, look behind you again. In dreams, the scenery is likely to have changed.
In lucid dreams, you can interfere with your dream reality to a certain extend. That gave me a deeper understanding, that we may have more influence on our lives than we think. It`s not easy to change the mindset, but it`s worth it – be happy

Enjoy Randall Brown on Guitar, Dirk Ritz on Bass, Marco Moeller on Drums

Listen to song here

Music Clip Avalanche

watch on Youtube

Hawai`i is full of inspiration…

…it can be wild, soft, fierce, sweet…it influenced my music and, definitely, my texts – and me.

The first time I went to Maui, I was a total mess. I didn`t want to sing, and I spent most of the time in the water or on hikes, trying to find peace in nature.
A friend of mine, a guitarist, kept urging me to make music with him, and to sing for a group that got together for mantra singing and prayers. I resisted quite well, but one day he said

„if you have a talent, you have to share it“.

It wasn`t easy – but quite relieving – and I am very thankful that he kept nagging 🙂